Friday, March 18, 2011

Aishwarya Rai in Khakee


Khakee is a Hindi movi released in 2004. It is written and directed by Rajkumar Santoshi.  It is an art in the had of Santosh to present the Indian police a tribute. Santosh is best in character portrayal. He does not go for the Protagonist only rather pay attention to the minor characters as well. His care for the minute details in the film is the reason for the best quality film produced by him. Khakee is the film mainly focuses the role of DCP Anant Kumar Shrivastav (Amitabh Bachchan). He has to keep the respect of police uniform by performing his duty with great care.

Aishwarya Rai in KhakeeDCP Anant is an average person with no special qualities and daring feats on his part. He has assigned a mission of transferring deadly Iqbal Ansaro from Chandangadh to Mumbai which becomes an uphill task. Iqbal Ansari is aided by his underground world terrorist Yashwant Angre. A very special not to miss information about Yaswant is his being the former police officer. It is therefore we see a very exciting piece of entertainment as both are playing the game Tit For Tat. However DCP’s characterization is excellent and impressed the audience a lot.

Sr. Ispector Shekhar Verma appears as a non serious character yet show volume afterwards by supporting the cause of Anant.  Tushar plays the role of Sub Inspector Ashwin Gupte and portrays realistically the fresh addition in the police line that is experiencing the different between theoretical and practical world. Mahalakshami is the last but not the least among leading character as she is the only witnessed of the case. Film story develop suspense and curiosity as villain remain hidden till the pre-climax of the movie. This is really a film to see breathtakingly waiting for the next moment.Only songs seems odd as there feel no requirement and they are there just for the sake of important ingredient of Indian film making. Rest all is well and so the end of the movie is well to be really appreciated by the audience.


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